Hello Salty Seals! 

I grew up in Charleston, SC on Sullivan's Island (& Greece) and always loved exploring the beaches for interesting things that would wash up. This includes shark teeth, horseshoe crabs, injured or deceased sea turtles, dolphins, fish, and even a couple of whales! Shark tooth hunting has always been a part of my spare time & I now find it very relaxing and fun, which led me to start incorporating shark teeth into my every day jewelry.

 Outside of my small business, I am a marine biologist. I earned my undergraduate degree in marine biology at the College of Charleston and went to Bangor University in Wales for my master's degree in marine biology. My thesis (which has been published) was on the impact of boat traffic and the behavior of the endangered Mediterranean monk seals in Greece. The Mediterranean monk seals have always been my passion & I hope to spread awareness about them & donate a portion of what I make to help conservation efforts of these seals.

I started Salty Seal Jewelry last fall when I created a shark tooth choker for myself at the beginning of 2019. I wore it nonstop - Surfing in the ocean in Charleston, to swimming in the sea in Greece & it still looked great. I use high quality metals so you can wear your pieces wherever you choose to adventure! I got so many compliments and requests that I decided to start Salty Seal Jewelry in hopes of creating unique and classy pieces that help the Mediterranean monk seals & carry a piece of Charleston/Greece with you everywhere you go!

If you have any marine biology related questions, feel free to contact me. In the meantime, stay healthy & don't forget to support small businesses! 

Thank you,


Owner, Creator, Designer



Quick Contact

Email: elena@mpougas.com
Instagram: @saltysealjewelry

Facebook: Salty Seal Jewelry

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